Student Visa

Explore endless opportunities with our streamlined student visa services, ensuring a smooth journey to your dream education abroad

Student Visa

This is a temporary visa that allows you to study for up to 5 years. The length of stay will be determined by the type of course and its length. Primary school students in years 1-4 are usually only granted a student visa for a maximum of three years

Student Visa in Australia

There are various types of Streams available under the Student Visa for Australia. Every Stream is determined by the type of study you intend to pursue. Multiple courses, such as a language course and a vocational course, can be combined on the same visa.


Why Choose Nexus Immigration Services


We deliver what we promise. We provide continuous migration consultancy, assistance and guidance for the full profile evaluation and visa invitation process.


We respect our customer time, money, and plans. We ensure complete transparency in all dealings and solutions we provide.


We have an expert team with deep knowledge of the visa requirements across all subclasses for Australia. Moreover, we keep ourselves updated all the time.

Let us know how we can help you?

We are here to assist you with all your immigration needs. Reach out to us for expert advice, support, and answers to your questions.